My current favorite book is Terence Deacon's Incomplete Nature.
It's about an attempt to resolve René Descarte's mind-body dilemma while obeying the rules of the good contemporary science. Kant, Darwin, Einstein. Final cause, DNA, quantum mechanics. It's got them all and more.
Guess what?
It's a bloody hard book to read.
So I am in the process of coding and creating an online cheat sheet for the work at:
The GitHub web site is where over three million programmers keep their programs in the cloud.
The nice thing is that you can use GitHub for other uses than for merely keeping software.
My work, which comprises content, appearance and behaviors, is still very much a work in progress.
From time-to-time, I will inform you here of worthy developments.
And, well, just remember what they say: "You can't enjoy the show without a program!"